Meeting #:
Council Chambers
415 rue Lemay Street, Clarence Creek, Ont.

WHEREAS it is preferable to include the participation of community members in a community project for which part of the costs are subsidized by the municipality ($45,000) and the other part by the community (approximately $45,000).

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council accept that Councillor Diane Choinière approach the Bourget Community Group to encourage them to take the responsibility of raising funds to subsidize the community share of the École Sacré-Coeur skating rink project.

WHEREAS the Ontario Fire College has entered into a Memorandum of Understating with the City of Clarence-Rockland such that Clarence-Rockland can operate a Regional Training Centre, offering Ontario Fire College courses taught by approved Ontario Fire College Adjunct Instructors; and

WHEREAS the City of Clarence-Rockland Regional Training Centre has established a course fee structure designed to cover the anticipated costs of running the training centre, based upon consultation with the Ontario Fire College, including the costs for instructors, materials, necessary tools and equipment, and so forth; and

WHEREAS the City of Clarence-Rockland would like to encourage the surrounding municipalities to participate in training offered by the Clarence-Rockland Regional Training Centre;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland hereby encourages all surrounding municipalities to support that their Fire Department’s firefighter’s be trained at the Clarence-Rockland Regional Training Centre; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a letter be forwarded to the Councils of all surrounding municipalities asking them to adopt a resolution to support that their respective Fire Departments provide the necessary training for their firefighters through the Clarence-Rockland Regional Training Centre.

Note: Members of the public may come forward to the podium and after seeking permission from the Presiding Officer, shall state their name and direct their question/comment on any matter which is related to any item included in this agenda to the Presiding Officer. 
The maximum time allowed in all circumstances for a question/comment shall be three (3) minutes per person per meeting.  There shall be a maximum of 30 minutes dedicated to the question/comment period.  Any unasked questions/comments due to the time restriction may be submitted in writing to the Clerk.
At no time shall this question period be taken by members of the audience to make speeches or accusations.