Meeting #:
Council Chambers
415 rue Lemay Street, Clarence Creek, Ont.

WHEREAS a request was submitted by Mr. Gerry Dubé, on behalf o the Clarence Beavers Junior Hockey Club to cancel interest fees applied to an outstanding invoice;

WHEREAS this hockey club annually pays approximately $25,000 in ice rental fees to the City of Clarence-Rockland;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council hereby authorizes the administration to cancel all interest fees that may appear on the Clarence Beavers Junior Hockey club invoice as of May 6, 2018.

WHEREAS Council has been approached by property owners within the urban area who want to have chicken coops in their back yards;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the administration be hereby mandated to prepare a report to outline the process that needs to be initiated to allow the installation of chicken coops in urban residential zones within the boundaries of Clarence-Rockland.

Note: Members of the public may come forward to the podium and after seeking permission from the Presiding Officer, shall state their name and direct their question/comment on any matter which is related to any item included in this agenda to the Presiding Officer. 
The maximum time allowed in all circumstances for a question/comment shall be three (3) minutes per person per meeting.  There shall be a maximum of 30 minutes dedicated to the question/comment period.  Any unasked questions/comments due to the time restriction may be submitted in writing to the Clerk.
At no time shall this question period be taken by members of the audience to make speeches or accusations.

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